Slumping regime in lock-release turbidity currents

- Introduction

Snow avalanche, Zinal, Switzerland \(@\)Zacharie Grossen

Dust storm, Phoenix, USA \(@\)Alan Stark

  natural hazards reliable predictive models?

  • saline currents, horizontal bottom:

Rottman et al. 1983

  • \(u_{\rm c} \simeq 0.5 u_{0} = 0.5 \sqrt{g' h_{0}}\)
  • \(t_{\rm end} \simeq 20 t_{0} = 20 L_{0}/u_{0}\)
  • constant prefactors

  dynamics of particle-ladden currents on slopes?

- Methods

Sketch of the experimental set up

  • Systematic parameter space exploration:

    • 2 different set ups: \(\theta \in [0^\circ, 15^\circ]\), \(h_{0} \in {20, 30}\) cm
    • 5 different particle diameters + saline water
    • particle volume fraction \(\phi \in [0.5, 15]~\%\)

Slumping of a suspension of silica sand (\(d\sim180~\mu\textrm{m}\)).

Bottom slope and particle settling matter for turbidity current slumping dynamics!

Bottom slope increases velocity

Settling decreases regime duration

C. Gadal, M. Mercier and L. Lacaze. Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT), France

- Results

  • Existence of a constant-velocity regime on a sloping bottom slope-induced acceleration occurs later (Birman et al. 2007)

  • Bottom slope increases this velocity

  • Settling decreases the constant-velocity regime duration

  • Current head shape (\(\sim L_{0}\) behind nose) independant of \(\phi\), \(v_{\rm s}\) and \(\theta\)

- Discussion/Perspectives

  • Origin of the influence of \(\theta\) on \(\mathcal{F}r\)? (early times)
  • How to include this on depth-averaged models ? (to be tested)
  • Influence of lock aspect-ratio (\(h_{0}/L_{0}\)) on velocity ?
  • What about steady-influx turbidity currents on slopes?

Steady injection of a suspension building a deposit over time.

- Definitions

  • slumping regime: first, constant-velocity, phase of current propagation (see introduction)

  • \(u_{0} = \sqrt{(\delta\rho/\rho_{\rm f})\phi g h_{0}}\), characteristic slumping velocity

  • \(\delta\rho = \rho_{\rm p} - \rho_{\rm f}\), excess particle density

  • \(t_{0} = L_{0}/u_{0}\), characteristic slumping time

  • \(v_{\rm s}\), particle settling velocity

  • \(t_{\rm s} = h_{0}/v_{\rm s}\), characteristic settling time